Since it’s inception in 1999, the Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association (OOWA) has seen steady growth in membership, engagement and partnerships. To manage this growth and turn ideas into reality the Board of Directors (Board) identified the need for an additional staff member. After much discussion, the Board approved the creation of a new staff position and adopted a new organizational structure. With the recent resignation of Claire Johnston, our Programs & Outreach Coordinator, the Board felt that this was the appropriate time to implement this new setup. OOWA’s staff will now consist of a Membership Coordinator and an Operations Coordinator that will report to our new Executive Director.

As part of the restructure, the Board is excited to announce the appointment of Kelly Andrews to fill the role of Executive Director. Kelly started working with OOWA in March 2017 and has played a vital role in the Association’s accomplishments during her tenure. Kelly is the backbone of our Association and there is no one better suited to fill this position. Kelly has a strong passion for OOWA and its growth, bringing forward innovative ideas and strategies to further develop the Association to serve the industry. With a background in administration and accounting Kelly is continuously upgrading her skills and knowledge, to contribute to all aspects of the Association including strategic planning, program development, event planning, marketing, and communications.
One of Kelly’s first tasks in her new role will be to hire new staff members to fill the positions of Membership Coordinator and Operations Coordinator. Stay tuned for more news regarding these employment opportunities. During this time of transition, we appreciate your patience as communication times may increase slightly and some Association activity may be delayed.
Kelly may be contacted at executivedirector@oowa.org or 1-855-905-6692 ext 1