OOWA Regional Meetings

Regional Meetings

OOWA proudly presents regional meetings on an annual basis.

2024 Regional Meeting Registration is Open!


We’ve revamped our sponsorship opportunities for 2024! Check out details below.


2024 Regional Meeting Sponsorship



Regional Meetings Announcement

Recap of the 2022 Regional Meeting Series

This fall, with the lifting of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, we were able to hold a fall Regional Meeting Series in five locations across the province.

In total, 188 people attended these events, with the opportunity to network with industry professionals, enjoy burgers and beer (with alternatives), and discuss regionally relevant topics. Each event was held from 4:00 until 7:00 pm, with the venues and speakers varied between the regions. We requested that those interested in attending to preregister for the events, so that we could provide enough food and beverages for everyone. We are grateful for the support of ten industry sponsors who helped make these events possible.

Don Krauss of Infiltrator Water Technologies, who presented updates about the CSA B66:21 manufacturing regulation for safety screens at two of the events, shared the following feedback: “I am glad that OOWA has been able to return to face-to-face meetings and events, and I’m looking forward to more events in the future and the 2023 Annual Convention.”

