Would your business like to advertise in our fall edition of the Onsite newsletter?
Ads start at $350 + HST for a business card sized ad for OOWA members; the non-member rates start at $435 + HST. Details about our audience and reach, plus full pricing options, are below. Contact us with artwork and payment by October 2 to secure your ad spot.
After our fall newsletter, the next edition will be our 2024 Convention edition of the newsletter. The deadline to submit ad payment and artwork is January 15 for that edition.
OOWA members: Would you like to submit an article for our newsletter?
Here are the writing guidelines:
- The deadline for content for our fall edition of the Onsite newsletter is Oct. 2. Contact us with your submission, and we graciously appreciate and accept content submitted early.
- Details about us and our audience are below.
- Article length: 250-1500 words (preferably including one or more quotes from partner organizations or other staff)
- Note that OOWA’s focus is about onsite wastewater treatment – usually through septic systems, but greywater systems, holding tanks, incinerating toilets, etc. would also fall within our scope.
- Please include:
- high resolution photos (one or more, including photo credits – who took the photo, plus captions)
- ideally, a short bio and headshot of the writer(s) would also be included.
About OOWA
The Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association (OOWA) is a provincial not-for-profit association dedicated to promoting the benefit and value of onsite and decentralized wastewater management through education, improved standards of practice, and advocacy for sound policies. We support our network of knowledgeable professionals recognized as the foremost source of sustainable onsite and decentralized wastewater management expertise.
About our membership/the audience:
Our membership is made up of a wide array of onsite sewage industry professionals, including installers, designers, technicians, inspectors, haulers, policymakers and enforcement authorities, academics, researchers, and teachers. The Association provides a valued connection between quality professionals with invaluable field experience, who are leaders and volunteers making a difference in the industry and the environment. OOWA is focused on helping to further develop best practices while growing the provincial market.