With great sadness, we share the news that long time, founding OOWA member Rob Palin died on August 7, 2020.
In the words of Rob’s son, Michael; “My dad died on his own terms on Friday morning at 10:06. He wanted everyone to know that he loves you all and to “be good, and if you can’t be good, be yourself”.
For those members who did not know Rob, he spent his early career in southern Ontario with positions in the Ministry of the Environment, the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority and Ecoflo Ontario.
After many years with Ecoflo Ontario, Rob transitioned into a regulatory role in North Bay at the North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority as their head inspector and On-site Sewage System Program Manager. He was a founding member of OOWA and served as a board member, as the chair of the association’s Onsite Technical Committee and also made significant contributions while working on its Governance Committee.
Rob’s volunteer contributions went well beyond his time with OOWA. While in his role with the NBMCA, Rob was also an active member of the Ontario Building Officials Association and participated as a member of the public advisory committee at Canadore College.
In December of 2015, Rob was diagnosed with ALS and fought bravely against the disease since his diagnosis. As part of our 2020 Convention, OOWA raised over $4,000.00 in a silent auction to help purchase specialized equipment that helped Rob maintain his mobility.
Below is Rob’s message to the convention delegates at OOWA’s 2020 Convention:
“I hope that everyone has a great conference. Sorry I couldn’t be with you but I am thinking of you all and remembering the many years of attending, volunteering and presenting. I have many great memories of this important annual event. Even the conference where I ended up in the fountain. Have a wonderful conference and network as much as possible. Miss you all.”
His contributions to protecting freshwater resources in Ontario will be missed.
Rob is survived by wife Anna and sons Michael, Nicholas and Gino.