OOWA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is taking place at our Annual Convention on Sunday, March 03, 2024 at 4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Please join us for some exciting announcements, Board member elections and to discuss where we are heading in 2024. This year we will offer the ability to attend virtually via ZOOM. Details will be emailed to current members in advance of the AGM.
There are four board positions available this year. Please consider nominating someone you feel will have a positive impact on our association and our industry.
Electronic Voting for board members will be available for those unable to attend the conference in person but still want to have their say. On-line voting will go live shortly after all candidates are announced at the AGM and remain open until the conclusion of the AGM on Sunday, March 03rd. An email will be sent to members with voting rights once it opens. Be sure to have your member login information ready to be able to access the poll. If you are unable to attend in-person and would like to vote, we highly recommend that you attend via ZOOM so you do not miss the window of time to vote. Please note that in order to vote for Board members, your annual renewal fees must be paid and up to date prior to the date of the AGM.
Significant revisions to OOWA’s By-Laws and Articles of Amendment will be presented for Membership approval by the Associations Governance Committee Co-chair, Katherine Rentsch. Refer to the link below to review OOWA’s press release on the transition to Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA). OOWA, along with Karissa Ward from Wards Legal, will be hosting a webinar via ZOOM on February 22, 2024 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. This webinar provides the opportunity to review the changes in detail prior to the AGM as the changes will NOT be reviewed in detail at the AGM.. More information on the webinar will be shared in advance. Stay tuned to your inbox.
Please stay tuned for more information regarding the AGM package or contact us for more information.